Unit 3 FRQs

Question 1, part a

Write a code segment that prints "attending" if rsvp is true and prints "not attending" otherwise.


if (rsvp)
  System.out.println("not attending");


if (!rsvp) {
  System.out.print("not ");

Question 1, part b

Write a code segment that prints the food item associated with selection. For example, if selection is 3, the code segment should print "pasta"


if (selction == 1)
else if (selection == 2)
else if (selection == 3)

Note that that was written as one multi-way selection, with all the conditions chained together with else if and a final else. It wouldn't work otherwise.

Fancy alternative

This will only really make sense once you've looked at Unit 6 and learned about arrays.

// Make an array of the possible choices.
// Line thnigs up so the 1-3 selections index the
// right elements.
String[] choices = { "fish", "beef", "chicken", "pasta" };

// This is is gnarly because "all other values" get fish.
int idx = 0 <= selection && selection < 4 ? selection : 0;


Aside: ?:

The fancy alternative used an operator, called the conditional operator. It's like an if statement but it's an expression, i.e. it produces a value:

condition ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse

Optional material.

But sometimes it can make code a lot more elegant.

Also called the ternary operator because it has three operands.

Question 1, part c

Write a code segment that will store a dinner selection in option1 based on the values of rsvp and selection.

"Thanks for attending. You will be served beef."


"Sorry you can't make it."


if (rsvp) {
  option1 = "Thanks for attending. You will be served ";
  if (selction == 1) {
    option1 += "beef.";
  } else if (selection == 2) {
    option1 += "chicken.";
  } else if (selection == 3) {
    option1 += "pasta.";
  } else {
    option1 += "fish.";
} else {
  option1 = "Sorry you can't make it.";

Fancy alternative

String[] choices = { "fish", "beef", "chicken", "pasta" };
int idx = 0 <= selection && selection < 4 ? selection : 0;

if (rsvp) {
  option1 = "Thanks for attending. You will be served ";
  option1 += choices[idx] + ".";
} else {
  option1 = "Sorry you can't make it.";

Question 1, part d

Write a code segment that will print true if the strings option1 and option2 contain the same values and will print false otherwise.



There are other ways to do it but there's really no reason to write anything other than this.

Question 2

Assume that x, y, and len, have been properly declared and initialized, write the program code to draw a square below.


if (x + len > 10)
  len = 10 - x;
if (y - len < 0)
  len = y;
Draw.drawLine(x, y, x + len, y);
Draw.drawLine(x + len, y, x + len, y - len);
Draw.drawLine(x + len, y - len, x, y - len);
Draw.drawLine(x, y - len, x, y);
  "side length  = " + len + ", area = " + len * len);

My solution

int side = Math.min(len, Math.min(10 - x, y));
int x2 = x + side;
int y2 = y - side;

Draw.drawLine(x, y, x2, y);
Draw.drawLine(x, y2, x2, y2);
Draw.drawLine(x, y, x, y2);
Draw.drawLine(x2, y, x2, y2);

  "side length = " + side + ", area = " + (side * side));

You may have noticed

if statements are overrated.

They have their place but should not be overused.

The more you learn, the more other options you will have.