A.k.a. how not to speak Java with an accent.
If we only cared about computers, we’d write everything in machine code or assembly.
Code to add two numbers.
; 0F4: 4801FA ADD RDX, RDI
; 0F7: 488BC2 MOV RAX, RDX
; 0FA: 48D1E0 SHL RAX, 1
; 0FD: 7009 JO L0
; 0FF: 48D1E2 SHL RDX, 1
; 102: 488BE5 MOV RSP, RBP
; 105: F8 CLC
; 106: 5D POP RBP
; 107: C3 RET
; 108: L0: CC54 INT3 84
; 10A: 0A BYTE #X0A
; 10B: CC10 INT3 16
The broader the scope of a variable, the longer the name.
Method parameters are technically only used within the method but they also form part of the documentation of the method so it’s good to use a name that describes what the argument is.
public int[] numberTable(int num)
public int[] numberTable(int size)
Which tells you more about how the argument is going to be used?
There’s no need to come up with different parameter names for different methods.
In fact, if you have several methods that take arguments with the
same meaning, it’s good to use the same names in each method, e.g.
and spotted
in the boolean birds
public boolean isFlobbyBird(boolean red, boolean spotted) {
public boolean isBloggyBird(boolean red, boolean spotted) {
Tend to be the shortest, often only one letter.
When in doubt use i
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
Definitely if the loop variable is being used as an index into a
or array.
If the loop variable is being used as something other than an index, it’s okay to use a different name, probably still one letter:
for (int n = 2; n < max; n++) {
Suggests than n
is just an arbitrary number.
As with consistent code formatting, using consistent naming patterns makes your code easier to read because deviations from the pattern can be used to draw attention to code that is different.