We finally arrive at the heart of the matter.
What is the relationship between an object and a class? “An object is an ______ of a class.”
How many instances of a single class can there be?
As in “classification”.
Allows us to classify the parts of our program.
Which allows us to think about collections of values and behavior as cohesive things.
public double distance2d(double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2)
// Yeah, I didn't tell you about hypot at the time. Sorry.
return Math.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2);
The four arguments were really specifying two points.
It’d be nice if we could bundle them up somehow.
public double distance2d(Point p1, Point p2) {
double xDist = p1.getX() - p2.getX();
double yDist = p1.getY() - p2.getY();
return Math.hypot(xDist, yDist)
public Point midpoint(Point p1, Point p2) {
double avgX = (p1.getX() + p2.getX()) / 2;
double avgY = (p1.getY() + p2.getY()) / 2;
return new Point(avgX, avgY);
Point[] path = { new Point(0, 0), new Point(10, 20), ... };
Lets us treat a collection of data and behavior as a single thing.
Hides the details of exactly how data is represented.
Hides details of how the behavior is achieved.
The rules for class names are technically the same as for variable and method names.
However they are always capitalized by basically unbreakable convention.
And when you work with actual files, such as in Codespaces, the
filename and the class name must match with the filename having a
extension. So the class Foo
will be
defined in a file called Foo.java
public class Point {
private double x;
private double y;
// ...
Define the data that each instance of the class has.
Declared at the top level of the class.
Just like normal variable declarations but can have an access
modifier like public
or private
Usually instance variables are private
public class Point {
// ...
public Point(double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Like a method but with no return type and always named the same as the class.
Job is to initialize the instance variables into a useful state.
public class Point {
// ...
public Point(double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Note: this
is a special variable that is automatically
defined in constructors and instance methods as a name for the
current object.
Here we use it to disambiguate between the instance variable and the construtor’s parameters.
public class Point {
// ...
public double getX() {
return x; // this refers to the instance variable x
public double getY() {
return y; // this refers to the instance variable y
These methods are simple “getters” that just allow us to access the values of the private instance variables.
You don’t have to write getters for every instance variable. Some can be kept truly private.
public class Point {
// ...
public double distanceTo(Point other) {
return Math.hypot(other.x - x, other.y - y);
Within a class we can access the instance variables of other
instances of the same class directly, with the dot operator, even
when they are private
public class Point {
// ...
public void move(double dx, double dy) {
x += dx;
y += dy;
Methods can change the state of the object by changing its instance variables.
Following the rule to distinguish methods that compute values from
those that have effects, state-changing methods are usually
Point p1 = new Point(10, 20);
Point p2 = new Point(100, -100);
System.out.println("distance: " + p1.distanceTo(p2));
p1.move(20, -30);
System.out.println("new distance: " + p1.distanceTo(p2));
We invoke the constructor and the distanceTo
methods of the Point
But we don’t directly access the instance variables because they are
There are four parts to a class. What’s one?
What’s another?
And another?
And what’s the last one.
What part of a class defines the structure of the data that makes up an object?
How do we create a new instance of a class?
What part of a class is responsible for initializing an object’s instance variables?
What part of a class defines the behaviors that an object supports?
How can we tell a constructor apart from a method?