This is a simple environment for compiling and running Java. The panel on the left is a code editor where you can write a class. The panel on the right will contain the output of running your program. You need to be logged in (your GitHub username should be in the top right corner of the page) to save you work.

Write a class here similar to the one from the first exercise in section 1.2 of BHSawesome that contains a main method that prints "hello, world" in the box labeled “Output” on the right. As a challenge I have given you none of the scaffolding code! See how much you can remember but if you don’t (and I did tell you, you didn’t have to memorize it yet) feel free to look back at Runestone to get the details.

The class you write should be named Hello. (The class in the original Runestone problem was called MyClass.)

Put definitions here.




