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This is a test of writing methods. It may seem like a lot of math but remember that this is not about you doing math but you making the computer do it for you.

All the arguments and return types of these methods will be double. You’ll probably want to use the Math methods discussed in Unit √2 such as Math.sqrt and Math.pow. You can also use the variable Math.PI to get a good approximation of π.

One of the key elements of this assignment is that many of the methods you will be asked to write require you to implement formulas expressed in terms of other formulas you will have implemented. Remember that just like you can call Math.sqrt you can also call a method that you’ve defined.

Pro tip: when you click one of the method buttons, the name of the method is copied to your clipboard so you can paste it into your code, saving typing and avoiding spelling errors. Finally, click the black triangle at the start of these instructions to collapse them.

Put definitions here.


Test results show up here.
